


Please contact the Office of 十大菠菜台子 with any other questions that you may have about the Academy or applying for admission. 

Students submit their application and all supporting documents by November 1st to be considered for EA.  A student will be notified prior to the holiday break in December of appointment to the Academy or that their application is being considered in our rolling admissions pool.  EA是一个没有约束力的协议.  大一新生 applicants with serious interest in the Academy are strongly encouraged to apply EA.  

Students not applying/considered for 提早行动 will be reviewed in our rolling admissions pool.  Rolling admissions means that we will be accepting applications as long as spaces are available and will close once the class has been filled. 

Students accepted into the MAPS program must satisfy specific criteria during their first semester in order to continue their education. Please be sure to read carefully the conditions placed on your admission decision to understand how this program will help you to take the necessary steps to achieve long-term success 以及 gain a full appointment to the Academy.

Students who are offered a conditional acceptance will be considered appointed to the Academy but must satisfy specific conditions to gain full appointment.  Please be sure to read carefully any conditions placed on your admission to understand how to gain full appointment.  All students are subject to conditional admission for the successful completion of any course work currently in progress.

不被录取的新生, 或者已经就读于另一所认可的十大菠菜台子或大学, 可以考虑十大菠菜台子的转学选择吗.  完成12个可转换学分的学生, 或者高中毕业后没有直接进入十大菠菜台子, 必须符合上述标准.  学生的平均绩点必须不低于2分.5 or higher and must have the following coursework within their transfer credit records to be considered for admission: 

  • 大学英语、 
  • 大学代数或更高 
  • 化学I带实验室
  • 选修课(人文/社会科学)

A student is denied admission to 马萨诸塞州海事十大菠菜台子 and may be considered as a transfer for a future term.  Students can also request a meeting with a counselor to outline a path to better prepare them for future acceptance.

Any student who wishes to enroll at 马萨诸塞州海事十大菠菜台子 upon receipt of an acceptance is required to submit a refundable $400 enrollment deposit. 这将确定他们在即将到来的班级中的位置. Payments must be received no later than May 1st to guarantee a student’s enrollment. 





不,十大菠菜台子的学员没有服役义务. 然而,对于那些感兴趣的人来说,调试选项是可用的.


是的, all students participate in the Regiment which requires them to wear a uniform every day. 在十大菠菜台子的转学生中有一些例外.


十大菠菜台子提供7个本科专业,9个辅修专业和3个专业方向. 访问十大菠菜台子的 学位和课程 浏览更多信息. 


Students within our Marine Engineering and Marine Transportation programs participate in sea term all 4 years they are here. 十大菠菜台子专业的学生在第一年完成一个海上学期. Additionally, all first year students will spend a short time on the ship as a part of orientation.


在某些专业中有几个交换项目. 其他机会可以在个人基础上协调. 海上学期和体验式学习旅行经常在国外.



是的,十大菠菜台子有 职业服务 department on campus that assists current students with finding internships and full time jobs. We host a highly attended career fair each semester where students have the opportunity to meet and interview with potential employers.


Similar to many colleges, our students pursue a variety of post graduate careers. 许多学生在陆地上的海运业工作, 或者在海上, 而其他人则从事与海事无关的职业. Students may continue their education in a graduate program at the Academy, or elsewhere. 每年约有10%的毕业生服兵役.


是的,十大菠菜台子所有的学术课程都遵循“学,做,学”的理念. This means that hands-on/experiential learning is a required part of all of our programs. 学生们仍然可以期望花时间在课堂上, but will also have the opportunity to apply knowledge through hands-on work on/off campus.


马萨诸塞州海事十大菠菜台子是一个禁毒区,禁酒禁烟. 学员在四年的十大菠菜台子中都要接受随机药物测试.


是的,十大菠菜台子全年都有各种各样的参观日. Upcoming dates and more information can be found by clicking on the "Register for an event" button on our visitor的页面.






是的,十大菠菜台子的学生通常被要求住在校园里. 在某些情况下,学生可以住在校外, 尤其是在转学生中.


一年级学生在校园里不能有车. 校园附近有一些校外停车场, 然而, 他们不受十大菠菜台子的监督. 


是的, 这在大一最容易做到,也更容易, 或者更难, 这取决于你的专业. For example, switching into a license track major is more difficult than switching out of one.


是的, all incoming freshman should plan to have a passport by November at the latest. 处理的周转时间通常为6-8周,因此要做好相应的计划.




Written requests for change of major prior to enrollment can be sent to admissions@thebigkahunaspokane.com.


If you live outside of New England, there is an option for you to submit an online measurement form. 任何问题应直接到十大菠菜台子的书店(508)830-6488.


海运袋的费用将包括在你们的秋季账单中. Questions in regard to this payment can be directed to Student Financial Services at (508) 830-5400.



What are the most important events for me to attend as a parent of an incoming freshman?

对于大一新生来说,有两件重要的事情是 迎新、毕业和新生表彰. Concluding the two-week mandatory orientation in August is Orientation Graduation which is a ceremony that includes a marching competition followed by awards and the cadet candidate oath. 此外,新生周末可以自由离开校园(如果适用)。. 新生表彰发生在返校节周末. This is when the Cadet Candidates will have completed all necessary assignments to finally be recognized as Fourth Class (4/C) Cadets.


所有邮件都可以发送到主校园地址. Once he/she is assigned to a company, you need to include this next to his/her name. 




大一新生, 不管他们的最后一次考试是在期末考试周, are required to stay on campus until the last day of exams to assist with cleaning out of the dorms. 请参照十大菠菜台子的 校历 具体日期. Additionally, students may have a mandatory Holiday Watch so please be sure to check with him/her. 


No, 培训的重点是让学员适应Mass Maritime的生活, 以及, 与同学进行团队建设练习. 话虽如此, communication with people off campus is limited to allow the experience to be all encompassing and to limit distractions. Communication is limited to help reduce home sickness as cadets adjust to life on campus.